Drinking lemon is as beneficial

What Is Lemon Water?

Lemons and other citrus fruit are well known for their brightly-hued pitted skins and tart, refreshing taste. Lemon water refers to the juice extracted from these fruit combined with water; this beverage may be consumed hot or cold, and often includes additions like zest, honey, mint leaves or spices such as turmeric or cayenne pepper for additional flavour.

Nutritional Benefits of Lemon Water

One glass (150ml) of lemon water with the juice from one lemon provides approximately:

At 4Kcal/ 16KJ per 1g Protein and 0.8g Carbs/Carbohydrates and 65mg Potassium/18mg of Potassium (18mg Potassium/18mg Vitamin C per glass of lemon water there are at least five health benefits.

Headlines have linked lemon water with numerous health claims, such as weight loss, improved digestion, alkalising effects on the body, skin benefits and detoxification. Although human studies support these health claims there have been limited research done that examine these two ingredients individually and their combined potential benefits.

www.rajkotupdates.news : drinking lemon is as beneficial

1. Source of Hydration

Water is essential to our survival; without it we would only survive for a short while. In fact, 75% of an infant’s weight and 55% of adult bodyweight comes from water intake. If drinking enough is an issue for you, adding lemon slices or slices of lime makes drinking water easier.

Dehydration is a serious threat that can manifest as headaches, dizziness and tiredness – it is particularly important to drink enough fluid when exercising or in hot weather; The NHS suggests drinking 6-8 glasses of fluid daily (preferably water).

2. Source of Vitamin C

For centuries, lemons were revered for treating scurvy – now rare but once common – due to a deficiency in vitamin C (ascorbic acid). While many believe vitamin C supports immunity, studies remain inconclusive – one study reported that although vitamin C did not prevent otherwise healthy people from contracting colds it may shorten duration and reduce risk among marathon runners who experience short periods of extreme physical stress (e.g. marathon runners).

3. May help maintain healthy skin (wellhealthorganic.com/easily-remove-dark-spots-lemon-juice)

Evidence points towards vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) and flavonoids derived from citrus fruit as being linked to improvements in skin condition. Vitamin C helps the body produce collagen, an integral component of healthy skin tissue integrity.

An intriguing 2016 study demonstrated that citrus-based juice drinks could potentially protect mice against premature skin-aging effects by helping prevent damage caused by free radicals.

4. May Improve Digestion

Some individuals find drinking lemon water first thing in the morning helps with digestive regularity. Although this effect may be subjective and reports anecdotal in nature, studies on mice have demonstrated its benefits; one 2019 study demonstrated how regular consumption of drinks rich in lemon polyphenols appeared to slow down age-related changes to gut bacteria composition over time – as evidenced by changes to beneficial gut bacterial balance over time.

5. Could help prevent kidney stones

Lemon juice contains citric acid that may help prevent kidney stones caused by calcium oxalate build-up, while adding water may provide extra fluids that keep hydration levels optimal and flush away any potential stones that form.

Are lemon waters safe for everyone to consume?

Lemon water can generally be considered safe for most individuals; however, there may be potential erosion to tooth enamel and those who experience heartburn may find their symptoms exacerbated by drinking lemon water; although its effect on them is variable; some may actually experience relief by doing so.

Lemon Water can be made simply by mixing lemon juice or slices (including peel) with water in any temperature, from warm or cold depending on personal taste, with or without additional ingredients and flavors such as orange or mint for flavoring if desired. Lemons can also be juiced ahead of time for easy use when freezing into ice cube trays if convenient, with rolling them between your hands or on a surface before juicing said to produce more juice; unwaxed lemons make better choices if using peel for zesting purposes or adding slices, while waxed varieties may require gentle scrubbing before using for juicing or zesting purposes – either way they must be lightly scrubbed before use if they contain wax.

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