Hex keys, also known as Allen keys, can be used for a variety of different purposes and a wide array of different businesses including the automotive and cabinetwork diligence. Then are five different uses for Hex keys or Allen keys.


Hex keys are the number one tool that’s chosen to perform repairs and adaptations to sizes on bikes. Bikers can use these tools to repair their own bikes or take them to an expert, who’ll also make use of Hey keys. They come in a wide array of different sizes, which allows their use in a number of different operations, and the fact that they’re so compact also means they’re practical to take when travelling.

Furniture repairs

Allen keys are a vital piece of tackle for cabinetwork tinkerers. They can secure cabinetwork into position and are able of assembling cabinetwork simply without the addition of gratuitous bulk. Because their design is so compact this means they’ve a veritably separate appearance in addition to being veritably strong when it comes to fastening.
Allen keys are also generally used for the purpose of driving threaded inserts into place. Furniture pieces frequently have veritably tight spaces and thus need a long reach, making Long Arm Hex Keys ideal for the job.

Motor vehicles

As with cabinetwork, Hex keys are demanded to be suitable to gain access to tight spaces in buses and motorbikes. Impracticable or gratuitous nuts and bolts are generally replaced with a Hex screw and Hex key sets are virtually a needful for any individual handyperson or automotive garage or factory.

Hex keys are needed to gain access to areas underneath seats, places underneath the dashboard including behind the glove cube and around and inside the centre press.


Any individual or business that makes use of tools will understand the need for Allen keys. Drill bits that have corridor that can be fitted are reliant on Allen screws so that the bit can be fitted into position. also, all kinds of power sayings need Allen keys to make small adaptation or change blades.

The maturity of tools are reliant on Allen screws to insure that bits and blades are kept forcefully in place.


One of the main uses for Hex keys is decreasingly getting electronics. With electronics getting ever more compact in nature, Hex screws are getting decreasingly common within tackle. Hex screws are being used to hold big television defenses and computers on their backsides and while they may not be as egregious on lower bias similar as mobile phones and tablets, they still have numerous hex screws within them.

Allen keys come in colorful different types including the likes of L- style wrenches, T- handles, P- Handles, folding Hex keys, ratcheting motorists, necklace wrenches, Allen screwdrivers, ball Hex sets and crucial rings sets.

Whether you know them as Hex keys or Allen keys, these instruments are vital to a wide variety of businesses.

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